Introducing Hikari Miso
In the year 1936, brothers Suekichi Hayashi and Yasuharu Hayashi started a small miso producing operation in Nagano, a region in central Japan famed for its beauty and often compared to the Swiss Alps.
For over three-quarters of a century, the Hayashi family has produced organic, all-natural and gluten-free miso in the picturesque Nagano prefecture. This beautiful region is often called the 'roof of Japan', with its snow-topped mountains and altitude making it a famous and popular winter sports destination, as well as the perfect place to grow top quality soy beans, from which this miso is expertly made.
Hikari Miso Co., Ltd., headquartered in Nagano, Japan, is a leader in the miso industry, manufacturing and selling high quality miso products as well as providing technical and marketing support worldwide. Since its founding in 1936, Hikari Miso has been particular about the ingredients of miso and has adhered to conviction in producing miso in Nagano with the best environment and water in Japan. Believing it essential to provide the most natural miso possible, the company was first in the industry to introduce organic and all-natural miso. The company also broke ground by being the first to be certified by leading food safety and quality control program, BRC Global Standards, and stays proactive in its commitment to food safety.
My Favourite Miso
The first time I ever came across Hikari Miso was in the department store Isetan in Tokyo. I was taken aback by these rustic barrels of deliciousness in the high tech setting of what has to be one of the world’s most spectacular food halls.
As Hikari Miso continues to evolve, its potential in the global market significantly increases. While the company remains committed to its pursuit of perfection and its historical roots in Nagano, Hikari Miso is expanding into new regions in effort to share what is the quintessential flavor of Japan. Having a flexible mentality, moving with the best available strategy, and acquiring ingredients from the areas providing the best agricultural product, Hikari Miso is headed toward continuous growth in the world.
It is the desire of Hikari Miso, to have the people of the world enjoy the benefits of Japan’s health food offering, miso. And with market oriented friendly packaging, the advent of American subsidiary Hikari Miso International, Inc., and certification in new food markets, the company looks to further the recognition and appreciation of miso around the globe.