1 whole head of garlic
2 1/4 pounds Desiree or King Edward potatoes, peeled and cut into even-sized pieces
1/2 cup milk
3 1/2 ounces butter
2 tablespoons mascarpone
salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper
freshly grated nutmeg
Preheat oven to 350˚ F
Roast whole garlic head until soft and caramelized but not burnt, about 30-40 minutes
Boil or steam potatoes (if boiling salt the water, if steaming salt the potatoes)
Potatoes should be well done or you won't have a smooth finish.
When cooked, drain and return to the pan or put in a food processor.
You will need a hand whisk to beat in the milk, butter and mascarpone or throw everything together in the food processor.
More milk or cream can be added to achieve the required consistency of fluffy potato clouds that hold a soft shape.
Season with salt, pepper and a grating of nutmeg.
Remove the garlic cloves from their skins and push the garlic into the hot mash, with random dots of mascarpone.
This treatment also suits other root vegetables. Try it with celery root or an equal mix of celery and potato. Make a pink mash with beets and potatoes or an orange one with rutabaga and turnip!